Everything started when I found out that read, write, and make books are my passion (I love everything about books and paper goods!). ARKANA was founded on September 2014. ARKANA made journals to increase reading habit, because if you love writing you also love reading, don't you?
I understand that writing, taking note, or sketching manually seems so modest nowadays, since we have smartphone or tab. But some people still believe that writing is better than typing, especially if you're the kind of people who loves sniffing books. It is an artifact that you can keep or pass to your child later. Like Pauline Johnson said,
The history of the book really reflects the history of civilization, for by means of books the records, sacred teachings, ideas, and experience of the past have been preserved and transmitted to the present.
Based on that I made classic-look and everlasting journal with old-style bookbinding. Bookbinding is a technique used by ancient civilization to bound sheets of paper, before the existence of machine. It reflects the beauty of a book and exquisite craftsmanship.
To be able to write is precious. We should appreciate it by using suitable writing companion. ARKANA is not just a journal. ARKANA is a medium to share plans, stories, ideas, and secrets.
Best regards,
Aulia Ardista
Founder & Crafter